MidLife Career

MidLife Career ensuring you have the skills to be employable through MidLife and beyond, or to set up your own business

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MidLife Career Part 1: Do you have the skills to sustain yourself in MidLife and beyond

How to understand and build on your marketable and transferable skills through MidLife and beyond

How many years do you intend, or have to work in the future? With the changes in pension age in the UK it may be longer than you intended.

Do you have the skills to ensure you can work for as long as you choose or have to?

Do you know which of your skills have a value in today’s employment market?

Do you know how to address any skills gap you may have?

How would you feel knowing which of your skills are most likely to enable you to get a job, now and in the future?

Which of your skills do you need to improve upon to increase your chances of success?

Which are the skills that are going to have potential employers invite you in for an interview?

Imagine how you would feel knowing that you were confidently putting your best skills forward!

Or have you always wanted to set up your own business?

Do you have the skills , the motivation and the mindset to set up your own business?

If not, what are you missing?

What difference would it make to you and your future if you understood exactly what you need to do to set up your business, and had realistic goals and a plan in place to make it happen?

In the Midlife MOT’s careers module we help you take stock of all the elements you need to pull together to have that business dream happen so you can identify the gaps and put a plan in place in place to address them, with a realistic view and plan to move forward .

How will you feel if you procrastinate, and regret at least not exploring what’s possible?

Are you ready to take your Midlife Career MOT and make sure you have what it takes to have a secure future

About the Author

Ceri Wheeldon is passionate about ensuring that you have the tools to navigate your way through midlife and beyond.

Ceri Wheeldon

Founder and editor of FabafterFifty.co.uk, the number one website for women over 50 in the UK, and a global headhunter with nearly 30 years experience placing people in jobs and helping corporates manage change, Ceri is uniquely placed to deliver the careers element of the Midlife MOT programme. Passionate about people living life to the full, she shares her knowledge on managing your career, setting up business and reinventing your life as part of the Midlife MOT programme.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

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